Tax Liens filed in Alaska

Aleutians East Borough, AK

Anchorage Borough, AK

Bristol Bay Borough, AK

Denali Borough, AK

Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK

Haines Borough, AK

Juneau Borough, AK

Kenai Peninsula Borough, AK

Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK

Kodiak Island Borough, AK

Lake and Peninsula Borough, AK

Matanuska-Susitna Borough, AK

North Slope Borough, AK

Northwest Arctic Borough, AK

Petersburg Borough, AK

Sitka Borough, AK

Skagway Borough, AK

Wrangell Borough, AK

Yakutat Borough, AK

We offer IRS Lien resolution services for Tax Liens filed against individuals and businesses in these Alaska cities and towns:

Adak , Akhiok , Akiachak , Akiak , Akutan , Alakanuk , Aleknagik , Allakaket , Ambler , Anaktuvuk Pass , Anchor Point , Anchorage , Anderson , Angoon , Aniak , Anvik , Arctic Village , Atka , Atmautluak , Atqasuk , Auke bay , Badger , Barrow , Beaver , Bethel , Bettles , Bettles Field , Big Lake , Border , Bristol Bay , Buckland , Cantwell Center , Central Chalkyitsik , Chefornak , Chenega Bay , Chevak Chickaloon , Chicken , Chignik , Chignik Lagoon , Chignik Lake , Chiniak , Chitina , Chuathbaluk , Chugiak , Circle , Clam , Gulch , Clarks Point , Clear , Coffman Cove , Cold Bay , Coldfoot , Cooper Landing , Copper , Cordova , Craig , Creek , Crooked , Deering , Delta Junction , Denali , Dillingham , Dot Lake , Douglas , Dutch Harbor , Eagle , Eagle River , Edna Bay , Eek , Egegik , Eielson AFB , Ekwok , Elfin Cove , Elim , Emmonak , Ester , Fairbanks , False Pass Flat , Fort Wainwright , Fort Yukon , Fortuna Ledge , Fritz Creek , Gakona , Galena , Gambell , Girdwood , Glennallen , Golovin , Goodnews Bay , Grayling , Gustavus , Haines , Halibut Cove , Healy , Holy Cross , Homer , Hoonah , Hooper Bay , Hope , Houston , Hughes , Huslia , Hydaburg , Hyder , Igiugig , Iliamna , Juneau , Juneau USCG , Kake , Kaktovik , Kalskag , Kaltag , Karluk , Kasaan , Kasigluk , Kasilof , Kenai , Kenai Peninsula , Ketchikan , Kiana , King Cove , King Salmon , Kipnuk , Kivalina , Klawock , Kobuk , Kodiak , Kokhanok , Koliganek , Kongiganak , Kotlik , Kotzebue , Koyuk , Koyukuk , Kwethluk , Kwigillingok , Lake Minchumina , Larsen Bay , Levelock , Little Diomede , Lower Kalskag , Manley Hot Springs , Manokotak , Matanuska-Susitna , McCarthy , McGrath , Mekoryuk , Mentasta Lake , Metlakatla , Meyers Chuck , Minto , Moose Pass , Mountain Village , Naknek , Nanwalek , Napakiak , Napaskiak , Nelson Lagoon , Nenana , New Stuyahok , Newtok , Nightmute , Nikiski , Nikolaevsk , Nikolai , Nikolski , Ninilchik , Noatak , Nome , Noorvik , North Pole , Northway , Nuiqsut , Nulato , Nunapitchuk , Old Harbor , Ouzinkie , Palmer , Paxson , Pedro Bay , Pelican , Perryville , Petersburg , Pilot Point , Pilot Station , Platinum Point , Baker Point , Hope Point , Lay Port , Alexander Port , Alsworth Port , Graham Port , Heiden Port , Lions Port , William Prince of Wales Island , Prudhoe Bay , Quinhagak , Rampart , Red Devil Ruby , Russian Mission , Saint George Island , Saint Marys , Saint Michael , Saint Paul Island , Salcha Sand Point , Savoonga Scammon Bay , Selawik , Seldovia , Seward , Shageluk , Shaktoolik , Sheldon Point , Shishmaref , Shungnak , Sitka Skagway , Skwentna , Slana , Sleetmute , Soldotna , South Naknek , Stebbins , Steese , Sterling , Stevens Village , Stony River , Sutton , Takotna , Talkeetna , Tanacross , Tanana , Tatitlek , Teller , Tenakee Springs , Tetlin , Thorne Bay , Togiak , Tok , Toksook Bay , Trapper Creek , Tuluksak , Tuntutuliak , Tununak , Twin Hills , Two Rivers , Tyonek , Unalakleet , Unalaska , Valdez , Venetie , Wainwright , Wales , Ward Cove , Wasilla , White Mountain , Whittier , Willow , Wrangell , Yakutat

The State of Alaska currently does not have an individual income tax, therefore no individual state income tax is required.

Alaska businesses and their owners are responsible for the reporting and payment of all business related state and federal taxes.

We offer IRS Lien resolution services for Tax Liens filed by the Internal Revenue Service and Alaska Department of Revenue in all 19 Alaska Counties and Boroughs: